Ravinia Festival Shop has been a project of the Women’s Board since 1972.

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Kids Decor

Everything need to make a child's room magical!

15 Results

A hand holding up a smiling, plush mini Christmas tree with a smiling star on top.
The back of a smiling, plush mini Christmas tree with a star on top.

Flocked Christmas Tree Mini Squishable


Unit price

A plush, striped piece of cake that's also a unicorn, a happy face on its side..

Unicorn Cake Squishable


Unit price

A plush, smiling hot dog with ketchup and mustard on it.

Hot Dog Squishable


Unit price

A large red, black and yellow plush firefly being held up by a hand.
A large black, red and yellow plush firefly, seen from the side.

Firefly Mini Squishable


Unit price

A smiling plush version of a campfire, red, yellow and orange on top of logs.
Side view of a plush version of a campfire.

Campfire Squishable


Unit price

A pillow that looks exactly like a birch log.

Birch Log Pillow


Unit price

A purple, brown and orange cardboard queen beetle.
A purple, brown and orange cardboard queen beetle, propped on a wall.

Cardboard Queen Beetle


Unit price

A large, polyester painted lady butterfly with orange and black wings and a brown body.
A young girl from the back, running, with a 4-foot wide orange and black polyester butterfly attached to her.

Butterfly Wings


Unit price

A blue and yellow cardboard beetle with antenna that curve around its body.
A blue and yellow cardboard beetle mounted on a light blue wall, surrounded by plants,  with antenna that curve around its body.

Rosalia Cardboard Beetle


Unit price

A pink and orange cardboard bee with blue antenna.
A pink and orange cardboard bee with blue antenna, mounted on a yellow wall, surrounded by plants.

Pink Cardboard Bee


Unit price

A colorful cardboard mask with an angular bottom and round top.
Against a light and dark blue wall, and adjacent to a plant, A colorful cardboard mask with an angular bottom and round top.

Lamu Cardboard Mask


Unit price

Three colorful paper flowers on a wall, the top two mainly cobalt, and the bottom one red and pink.
Three colorful paper flowers on a wall, the top two mainly cobalt, and the other red and pink..

Cobalt Cocktail Cardboard Flowers


Unit price

A large cardboard beetle with a blue and red body, orange head covering and yellow antenna.

Rhinoceros Cardboard Beetle


Unit price

A colorful carboard mask depicting a man with a turban and mustache.
Two vases with plants on the left, and on the wall to the right of them, A colorful carboard mask depicting a man with a turban and mustache.

Casablanca Cardboard Mask


Unit price

A pillow with a cover that makes it look like a plantanus log

Plantanus Log Pillow


Unit price